banking service chronicle

banking service chronicle
banking service chronicle

Sunday, April 28, 2024

competition refresher magazine

competition refresher magazine

competition refresher magazine this article was published in the magazine saras 3 telescope  shaped antenna measurement of the background radio spectrum (saras 3) telescope s has helped determine properties of the earliest radio luminous galaxies formed 200 million years after the big bang a period known as the cosmic dawn.  saras 3 is a precision radio telescope to detect extremely faint radio wave signals from cosmic dawn. competition refresher magazine pdf it is the first telescope worldwide to reach the required sensitivity.  it is indigenously designed and built at raman research institute (an autonomous institute of the department of science & technology). it is deployed over dandiganahalli lake and sharavati backwaters in karnataka competition refresher magazine subscription.

competition refresher magazine

Friday, April 26, 2024

competition refresher magazine

competition refresher magazine

competition refresher magazine this article was published in the magazine oceansat-3 earth observation satellite (eos)  pslv-c54 rocket successfully placed oceansat-3 and eight other nanosatellites into sun-synchronous orbits (sso). satellites in sso or polar orbits usually travel past earth from north to south passing roughly over earths poles.  oceansat-3 is third-generation satellite in oceansat series designed and developed for ocean studies. follow up to oceansat-1 and oceansat-2 launched in 1999 and 2009 respectively.  competition refresher magazine pdf key payloads include ocean color monitor (ocm-3) expected to provide improved accuracy in daily monitoring of phytoplankton. sea surface temperature monitor (sstm) to provide various forecasts ranging from fish aggregation to cyclone genesis and movement. 100 ku-band scatterometer (scat-3) will provide a high-resolution wind vector (speed and direction) at ocean surface.  eos are is also known as the earth remote sensing satellites. these satellites observe the planet earth from space for several purposes. useful in areas like environmental monitoring cartography navigation environment & ecosystem management ocean & atmospheric studies and disaster mitigation etc. military also use eos for spying and communication competition refresher magazine subscription.

competition refresher magazine

Wednesday, April 24, 2024

Banking service chronicle

Banking service chronicle

Banking service chronicle this article was published in the magazine global vaccine market report 2022  released by world health organization (who).  this is the first report to capture the implications of covid-19 on global vaccine markets.  key highlights vaccine supply base remains highly concentratedten manufacturers alone provide 70% of vaccine doses (excluding covid). lack of equitable distribution- african region received just 3% of all covid-19 vaccine doses. predictable country demand is key to guiding investments thus efforts should be focused on enhancing its predictability.  Banking service chronicle magazine recommendations for governmentestablish early evidence-informed strategic goals.investing in new vaccine technologies and enabling regulatory harmonization.ensure transparency in terms of intellectual property rights and circulation of related inputs. for industryr&d efforts focused on the who list of priority pathogens.ensure transparency along the vaccine value chain.allow equity-driven allocation of products. for international organizationsprioritize global public health per the immunization agenda country-driven initiatives and avoid creation of duplicate efforts.continue to call for technology transfer and for application of resolutions on market transparency for health products Banking service chronicle magazine subscription

Banking service chronicle

Sunday, April 21, 2024

Junior science refresher magazine

Junior science refresher magazine

Junior science refresher magazine this article was published in the magazine need for new space policy indias new space policy must incorporate our learning from the successful deregulation of telecom insurance and civil aviation. draft space activities bill 2017 was also brought in aimed at regulating and promoting private participation in indias space sector. it needs to revaluated and introduced with necessary modifications. science refresher magazine subscription intellectual property (ip) protections the private sector remains concerned about sharing its ip with the government. if isro is serious about partnering with the private sector policymakers will have to view the industry as more than just a collection of manufacturers or service providers.  promoting satellite manufacturing indian space association (ispa) seeks a pli scheme for satellite manufacturing just like the one the government has announced for handsets and telecom equipment.  handhold private sector isro can act as an enabler for boosting research and development by way of technology transfer collaborations and sharing of infrastructure that shall help achieve wider participation from the industry Junior science refresher magazine subscription price.

Junior science refresher magazine

Saturday, April 20, 2024

competition success magazine

competition success magazine

competition success magazine this article was published in the magazine under ibdc currently two sections have been developed. these include indian nucleotide data archive (inda) shall archive nucleotide sequence data generated from publicly funded research projects in india and provide internationally accepted data accession numbers. the digitised genetic makeup of humans plants animals and microbes. indian nucleotide data archive – controlled access (inda-ca).  ibdc would have majorly two data access types i.e. open access/time-release access and restricted access. indian sars-cov-2 genomics consortium (insacog)  it is a consortium of 54 laboratories to monitor genomic variations in the sars-cov-2. competition success magazine subscription the network carries out whole genome sequencing of sars-cov2 virus across the nation aiding the understanding of how the virus spreads and evolves and provide information to aid public health response.  it is jointly initiated by ministry of health and department of biotechnology (dbt) with council for scientific & industrial research and indian council of medical research competition success review magazine price

competition success magazine

Tuesday, April 16, 2024

Junior science refresher magazine

Junior science refresher magazine

Junior science refresher magazine this article was published in the magazine reports on school education in india why in news recently department of school education and literacy (ministry of education) released two reports on school education unified district information system for education plus report 2020-21 and the report on performance grading index (pgi) for states/uts for 2020-21. Junior science refresher magazine subscription unified district information system for education plus (udise) report 2020-21  udise has a mandate of collecting information from all recognized and unrecognized schools imparting formal education from pre-primary to xii Junior science refresher magazine subscription price.

Junior science refresher magazine

Monday, April 15, 2024

Banking service chronicle

Banking service chronicle

Banking service chronicle this article was published in the magazine  engaging the private sector to make social sector projects more lucrative there is a need to improve the risk-return framework provide financial support and develop innovative financing models to increase private partnership. use of instruments such as social impact bonds a social impact bond (sib) is a contract with the public sector or governing authority whereby it pays for better social outcomes in certain areas and passes on part of the savings achieved to investors. Banking service chronicle magazine encouraging technology adoption bridging the digital divide by improving telecommunication networks in underserved and unserved areas to provideo affordable and reliable broadband internet access driving the availability of internet enabled devices enhance digital literacy are the key to ensure universal affordable access to social services and enhance the efficiency and effectiveness of public service delivery. setting and monitoring standards to ensure reliability affordability and accessibility of services. better convergence and coordination among ministries for effective implementation of initiatives Banking service chronicle magazine subscription

Banking service chronicle

competition refresher magazine

competition refresher magazine competition refresher magazine  this article was published in the magazine saras 3 telescope  shaped antenna ...