Banking services chronicle magazine
services chronicle magazine PublishedNagaland became the 16th state of the indian union in
1963. It is bordered by Myanmar on the east arunachal on the north assam on the
west and manipur On the south. It lies between the parallels of 98 degree and
96 degree east Longitude and 26.6 degree and 27.4 degree latitude north of the
equator. The naga people belong to the indo-mongoloid group of people living in
a Contiguous areas of the north-eastern hills of india and the upper portion of
Western myanmar. The major recognised tribes of nagaland are angamiaoChakhesangchangkhiamniungankukikonyakkacharilothaphomPochuryrengmasangtamsumiyimchungrii
and zeliang. The naga Languages differ from tribe to tribe and sometimes even
from one village to Another. They are however under the tibeto-burman family. In
the 12th and 13th centuries gradual contacts with the ahoms of present Day
assam was established but this did not have any significant impact on the
Traditional naga way of life. However in the 19th century the british appeared
On the scene and ultimately the area was brought under british administration.
After independence this territory was made a centrally administered area in
1957 administered by the governor of assam. It was known as the naga hills
Tuensang area. This failed to quell popular aspirations and polilical unrest
Began. Hence in 1961 the area was renamed as nagaland and given the status Of
state of the indian union which was formally inaugurated in december 1963for more subscribe
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