banking service chronicle

banking service chronicle
banking service chronicle

Saturday, April 30, 2022

meri saheli magazine

meri saheli magazine

meri saheli magazine Published this article page no 49  Relaxed, Happy American: Lots of perspective. For instance, if my body represented my life, I allocate for daily events something about the size of my index finger. NewsLaugh: Your index finger? Well, then, how about the rest of you? Relaxed, Happy American: Oh, thats the wholeness of my life, start to finish, I figure, maybe eighty some years – big space, especially compared to the idea of living for the moment, which, to me, is the perfect prescription for becoming way too frazzled. Newslaugh: What about the idea that only the present moment exists? Relaxed, Happy American: Oh, come on, thats like looking at your lawn and saying the only blade of grass is the one thats currently tickling your toe. Newslaugh: Fair enough. So how does that apply to your everyday life? Relaxed, Happy American: Easy. I never let anything in the outside world or, for that matter, in my personal life, get bigger than the wholeness, of which every event or aspect is, logically, only a part.  In fact, I never subordinate my whole life to anything, even when somebody I love is behaving incomprehensibly. Otherwise, I would be doing an injustice to it. Comprende? NewsLaugh: Si, Senor! Relaxed, Happy American: Muchas Gracias. NewsLaugh: I notice you spoke a little Spanish there? Relaxed, Happy American: So did you. NewsLaugh: Very little. But you dont look Hispanic? Relaxed, Happy American: No, I dont, and for a good reason.  Im not.  But my building is staffed with people whose first language is Espanol. So I speak a little of it to get preferential treatment. For instance, my air conditioner is already ready for summer. How about you? Newslaugh: Its how I ingratiate myself at Mexican restaurants. But back to the taco we were talking about. Certainly, there are other things that contribute to your relaxed and happy attitude? Relaxed, Happy American: Yes, there are. I actually feel I owe it to my life to do the best I can with my mind, my feelings, and my body – if the three can be separated – and I get so many emotional rewards from what that inspires me to do, they make me happy. NewsLaugh: Sounds like a nice pastime. Do you ever think it may be a little self-centered? Relaxed, Happy American: Oh, come on meri saheli magazine subscription buy.


meri saheli magazine

Thursday, April 28, 2022

grihalakshmi magazine

grihalakshmi magazine

grihalakshmi magazine Published this article page no  11  If the President asks, Ill fly down there and tell President Fox these things myself.” President Bush did not immediately comment on the Cheney offer, perhaps recalling the diplomatic disturbance the feisty Vice President created during his trip through Eastern European nations, when he overtly castigated Russian President Vladimir Putin for backsliding on democracy. Meanwhile, illegal immigrants in the United States began to stream back to Mexico, so they could be among the first to line up for the many new factory jobs that will soon be available. In a last-ditch effort to mollify the Mexican government, President Bush seemed to indicate that he might cancel construction of Americas walled answer to the immigration problem. Since the wall is no longer necessary, there was some chance that the modification would meet with Senate approval. An American who was opposed to immigration cheered the change. “The Mexicans are leaving town as soon as they can get their things together. What do I care if Mexico had to become part of China to get them back into their own country?” Another American, however, had a different take. “I think its a shame we didnt think of exporting jobs to Mexico while it was still the land of tacos and enchiladas, not egg rolls, too  grihalaxmi magazine hindi online buy.

grihalakshmi magazine

b positive magazine

b positive magazine

b positive magazine Published this article page no  06  If you cant do it yourself, youll have to have a family member or friend do it for you.” “But, nurse,” he explained, “if I could remember who my family and friends are, Id still have my memory.” “Im sorry,” she insisted, “rules are rules.” Just then a cute young wife hurried in, pulling her husband along. He seemed to be in pain and held a small paper bag. “Excuse me,” she told the businessman, and addressed the nurse. “This is an emergency!” “Oh,” the nurse said. “We have to see a doctor right away,” the man added through his apparent agony. “Ill be with you in a minute,” the nurse responded. “I dont have a minute!” the man replied. “We have to see a doctor now!” the wife told her. “Everybody does,” the businessman observed, obviously getting into the swing of things. Then, as if to himself, he lamented, “Oh, I used to have such a great memory! I mean, I could never recite The Iliad or anything like that. But, as least, I could remember my name and address!” “You dont understand, nurse,” the wife pressed on. “Theres not a second to spare!” “Whats seems to be the problem?” the nurse asked. “We had an argument,” the man sighed, and nearly fainted. “I love him,” the wife said. “You have to believe I love him. And Im sorry. But–“ “– What?” asked the nurse. The man pointed to the bag, and said, “She cut off my navel.” “Your navel?” the nurse inquired, and turned to the wife. “Why that part?” “She said, I wish you were never born,” the husband told her. “Then she whacked it off.” “Oh, sweetheart, Im sorry,” his wife said, consoling him with a pat or two. “I need somebody to sew it back on before its too late,” the man said. The nurse gave his wife a clipboard with a form on it. “Fill out this paper and have a seat.” “We dont have time for that!” she screeched. “My navel is dying, dying with every passing moment!” the man wailed. “And how would you like to be married to a man without a navel?” the wife begged to know. “A doctor will be with you shortly,” the nurse replied. “Come on, darling. Ill fill it out,” the wife said, leading her husband by his free hand. They took a seat, and, dutiful wife that she was, she began to fill in the information. The businessman observed them with an increasingly crazed expression, and told himself, “Ive got to remember something, anything, even if its just something general. Plato said something b positive magazine subscription buy.

b positive magazine

competition refresher magazine

competition refresher magazine competition refresher magazine  this article was published in the magazine saras 3 telescope  shaped antenna ...