banking service chronicle

banking service chronicle
banking service chronicle

Friday, March 29, 2024

Pratiyogita kiran monthly magazine

Pratiyogita kiran monthly magazine

Pratiyogita kiran monthly magazine this article was published in the magazine  as financial returns from social infrastructure projects are poor these are largely supported and funded by the governments budgetary resources. risk allocation shared risk framework with certain risks being transferred to the private sector. risks are largely borne/retained by the public sector. standard of living vs. quality of life focuses on aspects that contribute to providing a better standard of living. pratiyogita kiran monthly magazine subscription supports the delivery of social services which improves the quality of life of citizens. economic growth vs. human capital helps achieve growth objectives of nations and builds up the material capital. focuses on the economic development that encapsulates human resource development. it is vital for human capital formation pratiyogita kiran monthly magazine online purchase.

Pratiyogita kiran monthly magazine

Thursday, March 28, 2024

Junior science refresher magazine

Junior science refresher magazine

Junior science refresher magazine this article was published in the magazine  sindhuja-i it is an ocean wave energy converter developed by iit madras. it consists of a floating buoy a spar and an electrical module. o electric module generates electricity by using the relative motion between floating buoy (moving up and down with waves) and fixed spar passing through buoy centre. Junior science refresher magazine subscription it can help india to meet energy needs of its islands and also achieve climate change-related goal of generating 500 gw (gigawatt) of renewable energy (re) by 2030. seawater stores tidal wave and ocean thermal energy making the harnessing of 40 gw wave energy possible in india o tidal energy is caused by gravitational interaction between earth sun and moon. wave energy is caused by wind blowing across oceans surface. 79o ocean thermal energy is caused by temperature differences (thermal gradients) between ocean surface waters and deep ocean waters. advantages no pollution renewable higher available energy densities predictable and less volatile in comparison to some other re sources. disadvantages high initial cost threat to marine life and navigation location dependent and risk of damage from natural forces Junior science refresher magazine subscription price

Junior science refresher magazine

Wednesday, March 27, 2024

Banking service chronicle

Banking service chronicle

Banking service chronicle  this article was published in the magazine  the cbam is also known as a carbon border tax or a carbon leakage instrument. a carbon border tax is a tax on carbon emissions imposed on imported goods from countries with less strict climate policies.  it aims to create a level playing field between imports and domestic production. the undermining of global climate efforts due to relocation of production is defined as carbon leakage. indias opposition & other concerns discriminatory india have opposed cbam calling it discriminatory as it will ramp up prices of their goods in europe and shrink demand. Banking service chronicle magazine huge impact on india india exports about $2 billion worth of products annually to the eu that would attract the cbam levy. most of it is in the iron and steel space with aluminum making up the rest. against the un principle of common but differentiated responsibilities and respective capabilities (cbdr–rc) the principle acknowledges that richer countries have a responsibility of providing financial and technological assistance to developing and vulnerable countries to fight climate change Banking service chronicle magazine subscription .

Banking service chronicle

Tuesday, March 26, 2024

Pratiyogita kiran monthly magazine

Pratiyogita kiran monthly magazine

Pratiyogita kiran monthly magazine this article was published in magazine  curtails rights of states some experts raised concerns that the amendment has a centralized structure despite the fact that each state has its own dynamics of energy production and consumption. 2022 amendment proposes only five representatives of the states in governing council of bee.  it means that a majority of the states would not be able to register their opinion in bee. pratiyogita kiran monthly magazine subscription conclusion it is hoped that important structural details will emerge soon to provide more clarity on certain aspects discussed above. there is also a need to train industry participants on the operational aspects of the market to ensure success of this intervention and institutionalize it in the indian ecosystem pratiyogita kiran monthly magazine online purchase

Pratiyogita kiran monthly magazine

Pratiyogita kiran monthly magazine

Pratiyogita kiran monthly magazine

Pratiyogita kiran monthly magazine this article was published in magazine  state energy conservation fund the amendment requires state governments to constitute energy conservation funds for promotion of energy efficiency and conservation measures. this fund shall receive contribution by both union and state govt. composition of governing council of bee the 2022 amendment increases and diversifies number of members and secretaries in governing council of bee. concerns associated with 2022 amendment carbon market as a concept- critics contend that carbon markets serve to sustain the status quo. pratiyogita kiran monthly magazine subscription interest groups mobilize around carbon pricing schemes to render them ineffective or even counterproductive. council on energy environment and water (ceew)s industry engagement shows that indias industry stakeholders do not have deep experience of the cap-and-trade market. carbon credit market regulation typically trading platforms are regulated by respective sectoral regulators. for example share and commodity trading is regulated by securities and exchange board of india. regulating entities for trading have been specified in respective acts pratiyogita kiran monthly magazine online purchase

Pratiyogita kiran monthly magazine

Tuesday, March 19, 2024

Junior science refresher magazine

Junior science refresher magazine

Junior science refresher magazine this article was published in magazine  greenwashing there were fears from some observers that representatives from industries harmful to nature such as large pharmaceutical and fossil-fuel companies were having undue influence around the summit and on the negotiations. way forward raising adequate finance the provision of the means of implementation to developing countries must match new targets and ambition especially through public finance. following principle of equity global biodiversity framework must be followed in the light of science and equity and the sovereign right of nations over their resources as provided for in the cbd. Junior science refresher magazine subscription undertake affirming measures to formulate a mechanism for benefit-sharing from the use of digital sequence information on genetic resources. adopting zero tolerance towards greenwashing. india and cbd india became a party to the convention in 1994 and enacted the biological diversity act in 2002 to give effect to the convention. indias stance in negotiations for post-2020 gbf Junior science refresher magazine subscription price

Junior science refresher magazine

Banking service chronicle

Banking service chronicle

Banking service chronicle this article was published in magazine  ins arihant is indias ssbn. it is a nuclearpowered attack submarine armed with non-nuclear weapons. designed to engage in mine warfare seek out and destroy enemy ships and support battle group operations. only six countries currently have nuclearpowered submarinesuk us china russia india and france they have diesel engines. Banking service chronicle magazine battery capacity constrain amount of time a diesel sub can stay underwater leading to frequent resurfacing. indias ssks include shishumar class (from germany); kilo class or sindhughosh class (from russia); kalvari class scorpene submarines. in related development arnala first of the eight indigenously-built anti-submarine warfare shallow water craft (asw-swc) was launched recently Banking service chronicle magazine subscription.


Banking service chronicle

Monday, March 18, 2024

competition refresher magazine

competition refresher magazine

competition refresher magazine this article was published in magazine  lone-wolf terrorism why in news experts have raised concerns about growing threat of lone-wolf terrorism in india. about lone wolf terrorism violent terror attacks by extremist individuals acting upon their radicalized beliefs are termed lone-wolf terrorism. their actions are either inspired or influenced by a specific terrorist organisation and ideology or operate within a particular social atmosphere. they are different in nature from organised or networked terror attacks like the 9/11 attack in us or 26/11 mumbai terror attackcompetition refresher magazine pdf while latter entails several years of planning communications money transfers; former is usually a small-scale attack easy to be carried out by individuals with no assistance. ranging from threatening and intimidating people to indiscriminate shootings vehicle ramming stabbing and suicide bombings lone wolf terror attacks have become a grave threat. challenges associated with lone wolf terrorism competition refresher magazine subscription

competition refresher magazine

Thursday, March 7, 2024

shine india monthly magazine

shine india monthly magazine

shine india monthly magazine  this article was published in magazine  misuse of merchandise exports from india scheme / service exports from india scheme advance authorisation scheme etc. misclassification of imports to such categories of cth (change in tariff heading) which is eligible for benefits under ftas. 53rising use of electronic platforms use of dark net sites (transactions through crypto currency assets and allows both buyer/seller to remain anonymous); ecommerce and social media sites have allowed a number of small retail counterfeiters without links to larger organizations to proliferate. shine india monthly magazine telugu effects of smuggling and counterfeiting loss to indian economy as per a ficci report counterfeiting and smuggling have caused a loss of rs 1.17 lakh crore to indian economy in 2017-18 in five key industries textiles tobacco products (cigarettes) readymade garments capital goods (machinery and parts) and consumer (electronics) durables. additional cost incurred government incurs additional costs for implementing anti-counterfeiting measures and crime prevention detection regulation and deterrence measures. o police raids custom seizures execution of mass public awareness campaigns etc put a strain on limited government resources shine india monthly magazine subscription.

shine india monthly magazine

shine india monthly magazine

shine india monthly magazine

shine india monthly magazine this article was published in magazine  smuggling and counterfeiting why in news? economic advisory council to the prime minister (eac-pm)s working paper titled smuggling and counterfeiting a re-look at strategies was released recently. about smuggling and counterfeiting smuggling world customs organization (wco) has defined smuggling as “customs offence consisting in movement of goods across a customs frontier in any clandestine manner thereby evading customs control.” in india it is regulated by customs act 1962. counterfeiting defined under section 28 ipc as a person is said to "counterfeit" who causes one thing to resemble another thing intending by means of that resemblance to practise deception. shine india monthly magazine telugu 52thrives due to huge domestic demand other than pecuniary gains smuggled goods like drugs are addictive in nature and their demand from users is self-sustaining. lacunae in countering supply lack of political will inadequate infrastructure or financial resources lack of stringent enforcement a sense among some that counterfeiting and smuggling is a victimless crime. traditional examination techniques are proving inadequate in light of sophisticated concealment and extraction methods used by smuggling syndicates. violations of foreign trade policy and misuse of foreign trade agreements shine india monthly magazine subscription

shine india monthly magazine

competition refresher magazine

competition refresher magazine competition refresher magazine  this article was published in the magazine saras 3 telescope  shaped antenna ...