banking service chronicle

banking service chronicle
banking service chronicle

Saturday, July 24, 2021

Bsc banking services chronicle

 Bsc banking services chronicle

Bsc banking services chronicle published by bsc academy published this article page no  14 definitive best-relationship-advice on barack obama becoming u s president today is wednesday february 6 2008 the day after the super tuesday – the single biggest u s presidential primary day notwithstanding the fact that so far neither senator hillary clinton nor senator barack obama could proclaim the victory of the presidential primaries after the super tuesday best-relationship-advice is however prepared to make a bold and definitive advice that the now senator obama will become president-elect at the end of 2008 barack obama will not only prevail the presidential primaries of the u s democratic party but also advance to enthrone to the white house becoming the forty-fourth president of the united states he is making history in the presidency of the united states of america – the first non-white ethnic president of the worlds super power what an american dream! it has to make clear that relationship adviser is not american he is not a member of or an affiliate to any political party – he does not have a slightest interest in politics he is not a psychic either  banking services chronicle buy.

 Bsc banking services chronicle

Friday, July 23, 2021

Civil services chronicle

 Civil services chronicle

Civil services chronicle published this article page no  15 this piece of definitive advice is not fortune-telling based on horoscope or psychic power as most fortune-telling always gives equivocal answers which are largely subject to interpretations after the event to its favor the advice is like when a traveller books a plane flying from new york to paris on a certain day with a certain flight time he or she would be foretold the scheduled time of arrival in paris on that particular day when he or she actually takes the flight and onboard the plane he or she would almost certain that the plane will get to paris at about the eta – estimated time of arrival – foretold by the captain at the end of the journey the plane would actually get there at about that foretold eta this seems exceedingly natural nowadays but not before may 21 1927 when the spirit of st louis was flown by charles lindbergh which made the first non-stop solo transatlantic flight from new york to paris the above analogy is most apparent and easily undertood but not the advice on the outcome of a weighty presidential election campaign most people would certainly be extremely skeptical about the credibility of best-relationship-advice but time will soon prove the stunning accuracy of best-relationship-advice which relies on meticulous calculation and not on guesswork afterall extraordinary claims require extraordinary proof best-relationship-advice is intended for people who are very serious about making decisions of significant consequence and today this piece of bold and definitive advice is monumental to demonstrate how credible it is best-relationship-advice is unprecedented definitive and invaluable for those seeking for right directions in order to make right decisions not only in love and marriage relationships UPSC Preparation magazine buy.

 Civil services chronicle

Thursday, July 22, 2021

banking service chronicle december 2019 pdf

 banking service chronicle december 2019 pdf

banking service chronicle december 2019 pdf published this article  Feith was put in charge of immediate postwar Iraq and was given carte blanche to tell the State Department to go screw themselves in a closet somewhere according to Wilkerson. Feith played a key role in centralizing control ignoring the State Departments career officers and weakening national security in the process. For Cheney and Rumsfeld his credentials were impeccable. He is a neocon who consistently favors force over diplomacy. Feith has long been linked to fringe elements in Israeli politics has proclaimed Israels moral superiority over Arabs and insists Palestinians are not a national group as such. Feith condemned Jimmy Carters Camp David agreement. Hes opposed any pressure on Israel to withdraw from occupied territory. He sees a strong and permanent U.S. military presence in the Middle East as necessary for Israels security. While Feiths Zionist credentials are sterling his U.S. foreign policy and intelligence credentials are tarnished to say the least. Wilkerson seemed generous when he said of Feith in his speech Seldom in my life have I met a dumber man. Retired Gen. Tommy Franks who led the invasion of Iraq had even spicier words for him when he referred to the bad intelligence Feith fed to the military about Iraq. Franks called Feith the fg stupidest man on the face of the earth. But Feith is just the kind of man Cheney Rumsfeld and Bush want to keep on top at the Pentagon. Hes credited with urging that Saddams phantom weapons of mass destruction be used as the chief rationale for the war. Feiths office was in charge of prisons in Iraq when the torture and abuse of detainees at Abu Ghraib occurred. Wilkerson sees those horrors as a concrete example of the decisionmaking problem with Bush and the CheneyRumsfeld cabal effectively blessing U.S. soldiers use of torture. The Busheviks have condoned all the lies deceptions and indecencies that have made our nation despised around the world and our people demonstrably less secure. In an unnecessary war that cannot be won tens of thousands of Iraqis have died and soon our own dead will top 2000. Bush has shown no regard for international law constitutional protections the Bill of Rights our own laws democratic institutions or human decency. More people will inevitably come forward and tell the truth about this dangerous assault on our national freedom and security. More inside stories could be revealed as Special Prosecutor Patrick J. Fitzgerald prepares indictments in the CIA leak case but that testimony will likely be nipped in the bud. The presidents brain Karl Rove and Lewis Scooter Libby the vice presidents chief of staff are targets for indictments. What they did in outing CIA officer Valerie Plame was treacherous and treasonous. The purpose was to warn others not to do what Plames husband former ambassador Joseph Wilson did. He told the truth when he exposed the Bushevik lie that Saddam was looking for enriched uranium to use for nuclear weapons. Rove and Libby have no moral or legal defense for what they did only a political defense. They will be indicted each will plead no contest to one felony count and the president will then pardon them immediately. No trials. No truth. No impeachments for Bush and Cheney. banking service chronicle december 2019 pdf

banking service chronicle december 2020

  banking service chronicle december 2020

banking service chronicle december 2020 Published this article page no   Power tends to corrupt and absolute power corrupts absolutely. Great men are almost always bad men. Lord Acton We all like to think of ourselves as kind honest and benevolent. In our hearts we are convinced that should we ever attain personal power whether through building our own business rising to the corporate executive office becoming extraordinarily influential in our area of expertise or in winning public office we will continue to be honest and ethical incorruptible to the end. The action of wielding power varies greatly with the individual involved and the extent of power obtained. We are all familiar with the petty tyrant at work who rules a tiny business empire with greed and selfindulgence bullying underlings without any sense of fairness or mercy. We have seen the research scientists who have forged a reputation over a lifetime fall into disgrace through subverting results to support their theories and their sponsors. As the extent of power increases we see the Enron and Lincoln Savings brand of tableaux unfold. Not only does that same greed and selfindulgence hold sway but the concept of being above the law arises and accountability and trust are jettisoned from the boardroom. banking service chronicle december 2020

banking service chronicle december 2020

 banking service chronicle december 2020 

banking service chronicle december 2020 published this article  The more esoteric the lifestyle becomes the greater the disconnect between the powerful and the rest of the world. Those who lack power are to be cheated manipulated and drained of their possessions – surely only just desserts for their failure to rise to the top. In a world where hereditary monarchies are an anachronism the most absolute power lies in the political sphere whether wielded by a militarybacked dictator or by those who have been so repeatedly elected to office that they no longer see themselves as public representatives but as entitled oligarchs of a system they control. The presumptuous ambition of one man Julius Caesar led to the destruction of a republic that had guided Rome to the heights of civilization. The empire he created held the seeds of its own destruction in its descent into the unrestrained autocracies of a string of less than illustrious rulers who wielded their absolute power with caprice and personal whim. The framers of the Constitution had a vision of a government where no such unconstrained power could arise because of the checks and balances inherent in the system they devised. No one could be above the law because the rule of law was paramount. The advise and consent required from different branches of government ensured that a multitude of voices and philosophical ideas were involved in any major decision. But those who drove the development of our constitutional law were giants in their own right. Washingtons refusal to accept the title of king advocated by several of his supporters signaled his rejection of too much power concentrated in one individual. His peers – Jefferson Adams Franklin Madison and many more – followed the same course divide power to ensure that the needs of the many can be met through a myriad of representative voices. Over the centuries the checks and balances they built have kept the ship of state afloat. Occasionally listing to port or starboard the sheer multiplicity of participants in the political process have been repetitively able to pull it back to an upright middle course. Certainly there have been many dark periods of corruption and incompetence. We face such a darkness now individuals in office for too long with too much power within their grasping fingers too many officials who have forgotten that they are public servants developing a mindset of entitlement and the conviction that they know better than anyone else what is good for the public who after all elected them. Only the rule of law so carefully crafted more than 200 years ago can keep them in check. The lawful prosecution of a congressman accepting millions of dollars in bribes of a congressional leader who used election money as he saw fit rather than as the law required and administration officials who destroyed a womans career and jeopardized the lives of covert operatives all over the world restores balance in a world rife with corruption greed and overweening pride. Ongoing investigations into the honesty of leaders in evoking the need for military intervention and the rising voice of dissent against financial favors for the rich and powerful at the cost of cutting services to the powerless poor offer a glimmer of hope that the corruption will be curbed and the hubris of our leaders punctured and exposed. The embattled defendants cry foul claiming that the only transgression is the political ambition of their critics. They have moved so far beyond the pale of the common citizen that their own corruption and misdeeds seem entirely ordinary and acceptable to them. Happily unlike the impotent rubberstamp Roman senators we can face our wouldbe Caesars without threat of bodily harm and we can cast them out of their cozy nest with the most powerful weapon ever devised the ballot box. banking service chronicle december 2020

Tuesday, July 20, 2021

banking services chronicle reasoning book pdf

 banking services chronicle reasoning book pdf

banking services chronicle reasoning book pdf Published this article page no   Its possible that a seminal moment in the history of electronic news occurred when a comedian confronted commentators Not long after Jon Stewart  host of the Comedy Central cable channels amusing newscast The Daily Show  appeared on CNNs staid Crossfire and roundly scorched its principals in a wellpublicized confrontation over journalistic integrity or the lack thereof the news network announced that Crossfire was being cancelled. Ostensibly the network said this move was due to the departure of conservative commentator Tucker Carlson. However he wasnt the original rightwing representative on that show and there were surely more of that flock who would have willingly stepped into the position. CNN has probably assembled a litany of rationalizations for their decision to dump the program but none of them will dare to broach the actual undertone of perception that would trump anything on their list. In this day an age in the USA a comedy show is more adept than a news show at presenting current events. The crux of the matter is that contemporary electronic journalism is just as subject to the Prime Tenet of Marketing as any sales campaign would be ie to be successful it is imperative to sell the sizzle and not the steak. Viewing this contention from another angle respected newsman Ted Koeppel almost saw his redoubtable Nightline program shelved in favor of yet another latenight talk show featuring a comedian. Now that hes retiring its notable that the program will shift directions anyway seemingly to assume a lighter appearance in presentation to presumably better compete with the entertainers. The sorrowful corollary of this point is that not only do the news operations overly heed the sizzle mantra so do many of the organizations who feed them their details. In the battle for dominance and perception spin is paramount. Slanting a report to influence its perception has been in existence since the dawn of time when Reporterpithicus  or whatever version of man existed back then  first related to someone else what someone told him. The tendency to spin has now evolved to where it has innately seeped into a troubling number of major news organizations. Anyone who has viewed a moment of Fox News can see for themselves how blatantly they have embraced this trend to promote their conservative leanings. MSNBC seems to be unusually beholden to the corporate world. CNN appears to abide the techniques of spin so as to not have their ratings erode any further. Such policies clearly resonate in the minds and actions of their reporters in the field. Most seem to blithely absorb the spin given them by corporate and government spokesmen given the bulk of milquetoast questions that now populate press conferences. Such practices and policies allow the Tucker Carlsons Bill OReillys and Robert Novaks of the world to run amok apparently encouraged to talk over any dissenting viewpoint as if they were thinlyveiled Jerry Springer clones in a stodgier setting. Add the consideration that so many of those corporate and government spokesmen are so singly simpleminded about the message theyre spinning and its no wonder a comedy offering like The Daily Show has risen in pop credibility to a level of perception that rivals the news programs. With so many thin platforms of substance just waiting to be skewered Jon Stewart and his staff gladly accept a veritable cornucopia of material with every days harvest of sound bites. The punch lines contained therein seem to literally grab them by the lapels and insist to be written. If you want to confirm that point watch an episode and see how many times Mr Stewart merely needs to raise his eyebrows after a sound bite in order to draw guffaws. Toss in the fact that Comedy Centrals videotomobile service is better defined for content than any of the news organizations and The Daily Show is further cementing its image as the cool news outlet for the younger set of voting age. Its notable that in late20th century American politics when media cool was on the ascent Democrats won elections. It was true for John F Kennedy Jimmy Carter and Bill Clinton and if that party could ever find a leader it might be true again. One would think the Republicans might take a hint and go back to the straight talk that struck enough of a nerve with voters to put them in the majority. Currently that would advisably include an element of fallibility and contrition over recent policies and events. It remains to be seen if anyone in that camp is forthright enough to admit as much. Otherwise its all but inevitable that the obfuscation of news spin and comedy fodder will further lower the quality of daily electronic information to a series of straight lines that grew from Chevy Chases Weekend Update on Saturday Night Live portraying Gerald Ford as a bumbler to The Daily Show becoming an Alist stop on the itinerary of any legitimate candidate. With all due respect to that excellent comedy series if such a thing ever happened it wouldnt be breaking news. It would be broken news. bankingservices chronicle reasoning book pdf

Monday, July 19, 2021

banking services chronicle june 2021

 banking services chronicle june 2021

banking services chronicle june 2021 Published this article page no   I got to thinking today and i have to say we rock Humans I mean. For some reason as I sat there eating my McDonalds I started thinking about technology. Man was I impressed We have so much and we dont think about it enough. I suppose it really doesnt make much of a difference to think about it anyways but life would just be so much harder if it wasnt 2005. We have evolved into quite the creatures. We have technology like computers and IPODs to make our lives easier and more enjoyable. When was the last time we said thanks Better yet who are we saying thanks to I suppose we thank God. He did afterall create us. What else did I think about Medicine How about all those machines and stuff we have to make sure we get a proper diagnosis so that we can get proper treatment. Like MRIs and XRays and Blood tests and all that. Go us And all those medicines that we have which allow us to enjoy a long happy and healthy life. Basically we have made life more entertaining with technology and then in turn technology made our lives longer so that we could enjoy it. Thats a good cycle and you can sign me up for it again this year. Pretty much I just wanted to take a moment and think about what mankind has done and thank those who did it for us. banking services chronicle june 2021

banking services chronicle magazine pdf

 banking services chronicle magazine pdf

banking services chronicle magazine pdf in hindi  Published this article page no  Feeling hot under the collar? Glaciers and polar ice are melting ocean levels are rising hot dry weather huge forest fires water restrictions crop failures... You name it if these dont feature in your life yet they soon will. Global warming and climate change are facts of life now according to the International Panel on Climate Change and many scientists. Huge problems beyond our control! But are you hot under the collar? If youre not you probably live in a city where half of the Earths citizens live now and take much for granted. Because in city living we are far removed from natural processes that deliver our food clothing and energy. Does your child even know that milk comes from a cow - or a soya bean if youre that way inclined - and not from a milk carton? Even in the city you cannot stick your head in the sand (or under the asphalt?) and you are not immune from climate change. Witnesses are the 15000 mostly elderly people that died in Paris alone in the sizzling hot European summer of 2003. Or the many killed in New Orleans at the hands of cyclone Katrina. And if you are hot under the collar do you think perhaps that there will be some miraculous scientific break-through so they ever-responsible They will fix the Earth? The ultimate stem cell technology maybe that can clone a new home for us! Seriously for many of us it is just all too hard. All we want is to live a life where we may raise our children to have a future. A future of some predictability of schooling a job a family community of achievements and an enjoyable life - on a healthy planet Earth. Is this a fading dream once a reasonable expectation? Maybe maybe not. Our world is changing. There are great challenges ahead and it is too late to stop global warming. The Earth has changed and the processes it uses to regulate itself are adjusting themselves. And these changes will not suit human life as it is. But you are not powerless. Each person alone can change the world one by one. Let me explain. Do I say that these problems are under our control then? Well yes and no. We are talking about a severely disabled world really. And from the experience of disability we can learn how to survive and thrive! "Come on get real" you say? Do I hear "Just show me the right alternate energy sources and well get out of this mess." Yes we desperately do need to switch to renewable energy sources that do not make a greenhouse out of our home the Earth. But all the technology in the world will never be enough to survive  and flourish. Renewable energy sources alone will not teach us to accept limits unpredictability and what it is to lead a rewarding life. How we have lived collectively in our billions for the last few hundred years has got us to this point. And by changing what we do we can live through climate change as best as we might. Even now. Its simple and its hard work. No way out of that. Many people with severe disabilities know this. And they report the same or better life satisfaction as anyone else--under highly challenging vulnerable circumstances. So we can learn to live well in a disabled world. Regardless of what is to come you and I will be well served by the beliefs and strategies that people with disabilities use to - not just to survive - but to live well. These are true alternate energy sources. Those that guide us how to use what we have sustainably. These disabled people believe this  Accept that all of us are fragile and vulnerable  The world is full of limits. We need some of these to live well  Vulnerability and dependence are an inevitable part of a whole life  No-one is independent but interdependent  Connection with others is our lifeline and our wellbeing And they do this  Engage with others to build positive relationship where you live work and play  Pay attention to others needs and that of the environment  Take responsibility for the situation youre in  Care for others and the environment competently  Be assertive and use your humour and creativity Not all people with disabilities act in this way of course. And Id be the last to portray people with disabilities as heroes. Were just people - trying to get on. You try that! Talk to that elderly woman in your street. Offer a hand when someone needs it. Doing such small things will connect you with others and your environment. And do also use the regular renewable alternate energy sources and recycle too. You can change your local world by acting in these ways. And if all fails - regardless? Well its the only way to go! Perhaps your world might be just as hot but itll be cooler under your collar! banking services chronicle magazine pdf in hindi subscribe now

Wednesday, July 14, 2021

SBI Clerk online Mock Test

 SBI Clerk online Mock Test

SBI Clerk online Mock Test Seller carry-back, or take-back financing, has proven to be a surefire technique for closing deals. Even though most people do not think about when it comes to selling a property, they really should consider using it. sbi exam According to the Federal Reserve, there are currently over 100 Billion dollars of seller carry-back (seller take-back) loans in existence. By any standard, that is a lot of money. online mock test for sbi clerk But most importantly, it is also a very clear indication that more people are starting to use seller take-back financing techniques because it offers many financial benefits to both sellers and buyers. Basically, seller take-back financing is a relatively simple concept. A seller-take back loan is created when a property is sold and the seller performs like a lender by assisting in financing all or part of the total transaction. In effect, online test series for sbi clerk 2019 the seller is actually lending the buyer a certain amount of money toward the purchase price, while a traditional mortgage company usually funds the balance of the purchase price. A seller take-back loan is secured with the property online mock test for sbi clerk preliminary.

SBI Clerk online Mock Test

Monday, July 12, 2021

banking services chronicle daily current affairs

banking services chronicle daily current affairs

Published this article page no banking services chronicle daily current affairs  The name divorce has been a household word for people who need it or just take it as fashion on self-realization for the never ending illusion for the search of Miss or Mr. Right for a mate in life. Even in the confines of the most settled or established homes the word divorce hovers as a threat to the solemnity of conjugal partnership because of the environmental changes in trends culture ignoring some already practiced social conventions. To be scared of divorce ... The name divorce has been a household word for people who need it or just take it as fashion on self-realization for the never ending illusion for the search of Miss or Mr. Right for a mate in life. Even in the confines of the most settled or established homes the word divorce hovers as a threat to the solemnity of conjugal partnership because of the environmental changes in trends culture ignoring some already practiced social conventions. To be scared of divorce is no longer accounted in such places as United States Japan Korea and Canada United Kingdom and the commonwealth. As matter of fact the rise in the U.S. Canada United Kingdom and the Commonwealth countries is phenomenal that it becomes more of a fashion in todays society. There are still countries more strongly attached to their traditional roots and values such as the Philippines and some other Asian countries that merely ignore away any proposition in the legislature to adapt divorce. These countries though they could perceive the real need of divorce are simply not adept toward the impact of some harsh realities experienced by some people within the conjugal partnership. These people are beset by conditions and problems that cant be resolved and the only way out is to find a legal means to free from each other from the bondage of marriages brutalities that connect husband and wife who find no solution to their differences. In the Bible Jesus speaks of divorce in exceptional unresolved cases in married life. However though conditions in what he wanted to apply in the kind of divorce he taught is rampantly tampered that of not marrying another again. Still sticking to the spiritual rule Let no man put asunder. Impact of divorce to the defunct family (husband wife and children) the effects carried about in that marriage (dividing material things acquired rights covered by the law such as custody to children alimony etc) is tremendous. Legal fights in courts find it so unwholesome to the growing kids. Other children who are growing up psychologically immature are thrown to traumatic state they suffer for the rest of their lives. Since divorce is the dissolution of marriage once it is approved marriage became null and void in any circumstances it was presented. The annulment that rendered the partnership void does not however carry with it the effects that marriage carry. There are so many conditions that the law impose to protect the psychological sociological and the emotional health of the each especially the children protecting their present and future lives. Allowing separated husband and wife to marry immediately after the divorce are of two different conditions. The man could remarry earlier whereas the woman has to wait for specified days under the circumstance of the law. This is due to the specifications as to the paternity of any child born to the woman after sometime she remarries. To avoid impending confusion on paternal claim and responsibilities further extent of time is set for her to remarry that will make definite assurance the child has not been fathered by the divorced husband. In the presence of confusion because there was conflict in the time of remarriage the second man should accept or conform to his paternal status to the child and amenable to full support both moral and material. It passes thru legal process within the scope of duly accepted norm of conduct of the present husband. It may not necessarily undergo formal legal proceedings but what ever the concerned parties had agreed upon privately may be ratified by the law. This sounds true to the divorced spouses. Any agreement between them in like manner will also be ratified. There are two kinds of divorce the absolute and the limited. Absolute divorce is the judicial terminations of marriage bonds because of grieve misconduct of either one or both parties after the divorce has been processed. It also concerns about other statutory causes arising after the separation. Both the divorced husband and wife become single again. Limited divorce is merely like a separation decree. It terminates merely the cohabitation of concerned husband and wife. It does not state the dissolution of marriage and their status is not altered. banking services chronicle daily current affairs

shine india monthly magazine december 2019

 shine india monthly magazine december 2019

shine india monthly magazine december 2019  Published this article page no  Life after divorce is something that most people who are going through divorce think about. Thinking about having a life after divorce or thinking about how your life will be after divorce, are common because people tend to fear for themselves.In fact, think about having a life after divorce while getting a divorce can be a sticking point for some people because they just aren't sure what their life will "look like" after divorce.

Here's 5 things to keep in mind so can have a life after divorce:

Life after divorce item 1:

Think about your emotional stability...if you wanted the divorce or not, you must face it head on.Divorce is tough and whether you're going through it or your are already past it, your emotional stability is of vital importance because you might tend to be somewhat touchy after going through an emotional ordeal. Keep in mind that your life after divorce can be great but you must admit that you will go through (or have gone through) a trying time in your life. Admitting this and facing your situation head on is important to your emotional stability and critical to you having a happy life after divorce.

Life after divorce item 2:

Look at the bright side, having life after divorce could be a new start for you!How may times in your life do you wish you could have just started over knowing what you know now? If you answered "many", don't worry, that's a common thought most of us have. Having a positive mental attitude about your new beginning will make a huge difference in how happy your life will be after divorce. Life after divorce can be fantastic and it can also be very tough if you don't remain positive about a what's in front of you. Look at the glass as being "half full" and realize that, in order to be happy after divorce, you must take advantage of the opportunity to get a fresh start!

Life after divorce item 3:

 Surround yourself with people you like in your free time.Too often times people start new relationships with just about anyone because they are lonely while getting a divorce or after getting a divorce. Sparking a relationship, romantic or friendly, with anyone and everyone who will spend time with you can contribute to unhappiness in your life after divorce. Stop and think about the people that you spend time with and ask yourself, "Once my emotional turmoil has ended, would I really want to keep the relationship going with this person?". Life after divorce is, when you're deciding about divorce, going through one, or already have been through a divorce, make sure that you carefully choose who to spend your free time with or you may fall into more negativity in your life after divorce.

Life after divorce item 4:

 Make it a point to spend time doing things that you like to do every week.Make sure that you spend time enjoying your life after divorce - don't forget to 'stop and smell the roses'. Some people vent, work, go into hiding, or just plain go haywire after getting a divorce and their subsequent life after divorce isn't as healthy as possible. At least once a week, take the time to go and do something that you really enjoy will help you deal with your life after divorce in a more pleasing manner.


Life after divorce item 5:

Set specific goals and implement a plan to achieve those goals.Life after divorce is a tumultuous time, your life can seemingly be 'in the balance'. In order to make sure that you feel good about yourself and enjoy the feeling that accomplishment brings, think about a goal or set of goals that you've always had but never attained. Then, prioritize those goals and devise a plan to obtain them, one by one. Implement each plan and be happy (in fact celebrate) once you've reached your goal. Your life after divorce will be markedly better and healthier if you take this concept to heart and follow it.Visualizing your life after divorce (and thinking about what your life might be like after divorce) is a sound and logical thing to do in order to be happy after divorce. Your life after divorce does not need to be a continuation of the pain you might have gone through or are currently going through.Life after divorce can be extremely liberating if you act based on logic plus positive emotions rather than negativity. If divorce is eminent or you've already been through divorce, take the time to actually plan your life after divorce. shine india monthly magazine december 2019

banking services chronicle annual subscription

banking services chronicle annual subscription 

banking services chronicle annual subscription  Published this article page no  Every marriage hits a rough spot occasionally.  And while not every marriage should attempt to be salvaged a great many more than are saved today should and can be through concerted efforts. Every marriage hits a rough spot occasionally.  And while not every marriage should attempt to be salvaged a great many more than are saved today should and can be through concerted efforts.  So the first step in avoiding divorce is recognizing that the fact that you have come to this point in your relationship is not unusual but it does indicate that something must change if it is to survive. But before you go through a mental litany of everything that needs to change as justification for giving up realize that there is help out there and if you are willing to put in the time and commitment you can make your marriage work even when it seems that you and your partner have reached the end of the road. Marriage Counselling Marriage counselling can be a very effective instrument in putting a marriage that seems to be going down the divorce path back onto the right track. Counselling helps couples to identify the root of their marital problems and solve them with a little help from a professional counsellor trained in mediation. Finding an effective marriage counsellor however requires a bit of work on your part.  Many counsellors will offer a free consultation.  Ask for recommendations from friends but in part you should call 10 or so counsellors ask for their price packages ahead of time and then schedule consultations with the 3 or 4 that meet your pricing needs.  Make sure that when you go into these consultations you grade the effectiveness on how BOTH you and your spouse feel about the individual. Self Help There are also many self-help tools available in the market today. There are some excellent books and articles on how to make marriages work how to re-ignite the spark in a relationship and how a few simple steps can bring back the love in a relationship that had turned hateful. Both partners can get a lot of inspiration advice and ideas on how to make relationships work from such books and articles. You can even find help when you think there is infidelity in your marriage. There are books and articles out there which tell you why people cheat or stray out of line and what you can do about it. The common thread in all of these self help guides is communication and understanding.  By making an effort to understand where your spouse is coming from and them where you are and then making compromises and communicating most marital problems will become alleviated. Resorts Then there are many resorts that are specially designed to create an ambience which is conducive to romance. These vacation packages are easy to find and require only that you be on the look out.  The point of these resorts is to reinvigorate a relationship by introducing some of the passion and spontaneity that over time can be watered down by obligations and daily responsibilities.  These events attempt to eliminate outside stresses so that you can focus on your spouse and in so doing rekindle the love you feel for one another. All in all if you are willing to put in your best efforts to stop your marriage from slipping away there is now help at hand and you need not have to fight alone. By utilizing the tools of counsellors self help and resorts you can go a long way to giving your marriage the best chance for survival. But beyond survival these tools can help ensure you a happy lifelong relationship. banking services chronicle annual subscription

banking services chronicle april 2021 pdf

 banking services chronicle april 2021 pdf

Published this article page no banking services chronicle april 2021 pdf  Divorce is always painful especially if it comes after bitter courtroom battles. But you can avoid a lot of pain by hiring the right divorce solicitor. This may not be easy. There are many legal offices and many solicitors Divorce is always painful especially if it comes after bitter courtroom battles. But you can avoid a lot of pain by hiring the right divorce solicitor. This may not be easy. There are many legal offices and many solicitors. Finding the right one therefore requires time and effort. Here is a step-by-step guide. Make shortlist First shortlist solicitors who specialize in divorce and family law. Ask friends and relatives for their recommendations. Next get in touch with professional associations such as the Resolution (formerly Solicitors Family Law Association) and the Children Panel (if you have children) and ask for a list of their members. You can also pick from the solicitors listed in the Community Legal Service of the Citizens Advice Bureau database. Finally and as a last resort you may also scan the Yellow Pages. Discuss check identify the best Now zero in on one solicitor who you think would be just right for you. Visit or call the solicitors on your shortlist take appointments with each and discuss with each the details of your case. Ask questions and try to assess who appears to be the most knowledgeable competent and trustworthy. Usually your initial discussions with the solicitors will be free of charge. So make good use of them. . Look at track record If you think in your case the divorce part would be easy but disputes may arise regarding child custody go for a solicitor who has won difficult child custody cases in the past. Similarly if you think proving adultery or infidelity would be critical in your case pick a solicitor who has a successful track record in similar cases. Know about all services Through your interviews try to find out the entire range of services provided by each solicitor. Often a divorce case may affect businesses and trusts. In that case pick a solicitor who can provide mediation and related services. If there is something unique about your divorce look for a solicitor with a family law specialization. To verify this check for affiliations – whether the solicitor is a member of the SLFA Specialist Accreditation Scheme or of the Law Societys Family Law Panel an organization whose members have a verified deep knowledge of family law. Check out fees and costs Always make it a point to fully understand the fee structure of the person or firm you are hiring. Larger firms have prepared brochures listing their services payment terms and appropriate charges. Read these thoroughly and ask questions to clarify all doubts. Be frank about your budget and your needs. Dont lose simply because you ended up being in a situation where you were unable to bear the costs of litigation any more. Go with your gut feeling While there are no fixed rules to determine who would be the best solicitor for you often a surprisingly good indicator is to go by gut feeling. If you can trust somebody and are confident of his/her abilities go ahead and hire him or her. But if in meeting the individual you find yourself questioning their abilities move on.  Family law is a bar primarily focused on negotiation and personal relations so if you do not like the individual chances are they will not perform up to par. Selecting an excellent solicitor will mean not only that will you not have to worry about falling into a legal trap but further it will give you confidence and knowledge as to how your case will play out. bankingservices chronicle april 2021 pdf

Thursday, July 8, 2021

Pratiyogita kiran English

 Pratiyogita kiran English

Pratiyogita kiran English by kiran prakashan delhi published this article page no  2 the new jal shakti mantralaya for better management of water resources and water supply in a holistic manner is a boost in this direction. bringing about a paradigm shift in how healthcare is looked at in india ayushman bharat represents a comprehensive holistic approach to achieve a healthy society by combining preventive promotive curative and rehabilitative aspects of care. with emphasis on minimum government and maximum governance the union budget has focussed on ease of living for the common man with developmental initiatives in various areas viz. physical connectivity rural india railways unified digital payments inland waterways and so on. the creation of payment platform for msmes to eliminate delays in government payments would help the msme sector to develop further. raising the slogan “nari tu narayani” the budget focusses on enhancing the role and contribution of women in the workforce as well as economy through multiple initiatives such as rs 1 lakh loan under mudra scheme for women entrepreneurs and rs 5000 overdraft for every verified shg member having a jan dhan account pratiyogita kiran monthly magazine free download.

 Pratiyogita kiran English

Competition success magazine

 Competition success magazine

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Saturday, July 3, 2021

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 banking services chronicle pdf

banking services chronicle pdf  published this article page no  Computers and the Internet have had a tremendous impact on society. Together they have become the dominant aspect within our social business and personal lives and have completely altered our cultural landscape.Computers and the Internet have had a tremendous impact on society. Together they have become the dominant aspect within our social business and personal lives and have completely altered our cultural landscape. From accessing information to shopping from sharing email to finding life partners everything is now possible online. Essentially we have created a new world the virtual world.  Lets explore one of the new features emerging from these integral tools that have become so essential to our lifestyle Many of the oldest social activities revolved around finding a life partner.  Balls parties dinners social gatherings they all offered an opportunity to meet that someone special.  But life has become increasingly fast-paced and online dating has joined the ranks of online shopping because of the convenience it offers. Though initially online dating was limited to searching and matching user profiles it has since grown beyond this painstaking ritual. Every day the online dating industry is exploring new terrain for growth and has become so vast that it would be impossible to pen to paper its current breadth. There are few limits as to what you can accomplish within an online dating site - it is a service that brings results. The UK is one of the most developed nations in Europe with a long social history and strong political ties to the USA - which has naturally affected their socio-cultural environment in minor but noticeable ways.  One might assume that the growing popularity of adult dating in the UK is derived from the immense growth of the same industry in the US which is saturated with online dating options.  Another explanation may be simply that the days are gone when people are confined to pubs night clubs or other social arenas if they want to meet someone new. Now it is as simple as logging on to a UK adult personals web site comparing your preferences to other members and finding an attractive prospect messaging a bit online and then taking it to the physical realm with an in-person meeting. Its that easy!  Whether were looking at the UK the USA or another country sex is an inevitable urge of being human. This closed-door affair was a matter of privacy in the past but as people deem adult dating sites to be a safe and efficient domain for meeting others they feel encouraged to share their identities urges and feelings.  Now if youre convinced to give adult online dating a chance the next challenge is sifting through the numerous dating sites for UK personals.  I recommend Kisscafé ( if you want a a truly positive and satisfying experience. ( is one of the fastest growing social networking and dating websites in the World Wide Web. The best aspect of this dating service provider is that all the exclusive service features (which other popular networking sites provide as subscribed services) absolutely FREE. Currently Kisscafé ( has 22 international websites and plans to launch even more sites in additional countries. Efficient Instant Messenger multilingual capabilities and advanced profile search technology has made Kisscafé one of the leading online dating service providers on the Web. Kisscafé ( member blogs are a great source of interesting posts related to the dating industry including dating advice personal stories and much more. For more details you can log in to their site and compare their services with other dating sites. banking services chronicle pdf subscribe now

 banking services chronicle pdf

banking services chronicle pdf

 banking services chronicle pdf 

banking services chronicle pdf published this article page no 22

!!!Online Dating!!!

Finding the right person to date has never been a simple task sometimes no matter how hard you try there is always a feeling that there is someone out there just for you that you are not able to find. Finding your right half consumes lots and lots of time and money. Welcome to the world of online dating. You no longer have to search someone special through your friends circle just log on to a online dating site and you are ready to go to find your better half. It is reverse kind of phenomenon in which a person understands ones aspirations and expectations via internet and finally decides to meet in person.Finding the right person to date has never been a simple task sometimes no matter how hard you try there is always a feeling that there is someone out there just for you that you are not able to find. Finding your right half consumes lots and lots of time and money. Welcome to the world of online dating. You no longer have to search someone special through your friends circle just log on to a online dating site and you are ready to go to find your better half. It is reverse kind of phenomenon in which a person understands ones aspirations and expectations via internet and finally decides to meet in person. There are many benefits that glorify this concept. Anonymity is the first and foremost benefit that online dating provides you. You may hide your vital information including contacts address surnames and so on. This provides you a freedom to know the person better without a fear of being revealed. You may choose to be anonymous if you wish to until you trust a particular chap.Security moreover is other benefit which invites ladies for online dating whole heartedly. No more you need to fear unwanted person to disturb you and interrupt your search for a right match. In case someone gets on you you may block him and continue with your search. Just logging onto a right dating site can get you access to millions of prospects to go through.

Just a few words regarding your online dating venture

    * Dont be half hearted and get ready for risk bearing. Not all ventures go 100% successful hence it is important to prepare yourself for some let downs. Be sure what you want and get a through research work done before actual dating.

    * Spoil yourself. Treat yourself with good and new clothes and get some shopping stuff that relaxes and you and provide better confidence then ever.

    * Decide in advance the reasons you are dating for. Be sure what you want from your partner and does the search satisfy your dating goal. Be sure if you are seeking for nice companionship or you are seeking for a life partner or so.

    * Boost up your confidence before going for any sorts of date. Attending social functions and getting along with your friends would surely enhance a positive aura around you.

    * Decide the meeting place in advance. Be sure the place to be public enough. Although night clubs prove to be a bad idea for meeting for first time. Obviously you would not like to scream into ears to get your views conveyed to your partner. Choose a place like a coffee shop that proves to be ideal to talk to.

    * Most importantly enjoyment is the key for dating. After all this is the reason you are dating for. banking services chronicle pdf subscribe now

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Thursday, July 1, 2021

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