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Thursday, July 22, 2021

banking service chronicle december 2019 pdf

 banking service chronicle december 2019 pdf

banking service chronicle december 2019 pdf published this article  Feith was put in charge of immediate postwar Iraq and was given carte blanche to tell the State Department to go screw themselves in a closet somewhere according to Wilkerson. Feith played a key role in centralizing control ignoring the State Departments career officers and weakening national security in the process. For Cheney and Rumsfeld his credentials were impeccable. He is a neocon who consistently favors force over diplomacy. Feith has long been linked to fringe elements in Israeli politics has proclaimed Israels moral superiority over Arabs and insists Palestinians are not a national group as such. Feith condemned Jimmy Carters Camp David agreement. Hes opposed any pressure on Israel to withdraw from occupied territory. He sees a strong and permanent U.S. military presence in the Middle East as necessary for Israels security. While Feiths Zionist credentials are sterling his U.S. foreign policy and intelligence credentials are tarnished to say the least. Wilkerson seemed generous when he said of Feith in his speech Seldom in my life have I met a dumber man. Retired Gen. Tommy Franks who led the invasion of Iraq had even spicier words for him when he referred to the bad intelligence Feith fed to the military about Iraq. Franks called Feith the fg stupidest man on the face of the earth. But Feith is just the kind of man Cheney Rumsfeld and Bush want to keep on top at the Pentagon. Hes credited with urging that Saddams phantom weapons of mass destruction be used as the chief rationale for the war. Feiths office was in charge of prisons in Iraq when the torture and abuse of detainees at Abu Ghraib occurred. Wilkerson sees those horrors as a concrete example of the decisionmaking problem with Bush and the CheneyRumsfeld cabal effectively blessing U.S. soldiers use of torture. The Busheviks have condoned all the lies deceptions and indecencies that have made our nation despised around the world and our people demonstrably less secure. In an unnecessary war that cannot be won tens of thousands of Iraqis have died and soon our own dead will top 2000. Bush has shown no regard for international law constitutional protections the Bill of Rights our own laws democratic institutions or human decency. More people will inevitably come forward and tell the truth about this dangerous assault on our national freedom and security. More inside stories could be revealed as Special Prosecutor Patrick J. Fitzgerald prepares indictments in the CIA leak case but that testimony will likely be nipped in the bud. The presidents brain Karl Rove and Lewis Scooter Libby the vice presidents chief of staff are targets for indictments. What they did in outing CIA officer Valerie Plame was treacherous and treasonous. The purpose was to warn others not to do what Plames husband former ambassador Joseph Wilson did. He told the truth when he exposed the Bushevik lie that Saddam was looking for enriched uranium to use for nuclear weapons. Rove and Libby have no moral or legal defense for what they did only a political defense. They will be indicted each will plead no contest to one felony count and the president will then pardon them immediately. No trials. No truth. No impeachments for Bush and Cheney. banking service chronicle december 2019 pdf

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