banking service chronicle

banking service chronicle
banking service chronicle

Wednesday, January 26, 2022

General knowledge Refresher

General knowledge Refresher

General knowledge Refresher published this article page no 76  all blacks are not the color of black all whites are not the color of white and all hispanics are not necessarily of spain or spanish speaking (brazilians for example are classified hispanic even though they speak portuguese and most are descended from portugal or some african country.). as far as i am concerned all people that are american citizens (naturalized or other) or live permanently in the united state of america are either american citizens or american residents. to label them otherwise is to denigrate isolate and seperate them from each other. discussing concepts like affirmative action and cultural diversity force the use of such labels. the people of this country need to be brought together not seperated. being proud of your ancestors and your heritage is one thing being rewarded punished or seperated because of your ancestors or heritage is something else entirely. being rewarded because others of your race or gender were mistreated in the past is wrong and being punished for what others of your race or gender did in the past is equally wrong gk knowledge buy.

General knowledge Refresher

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