banking service chronicle

banking service chronicle
banking service chronicle

Thursday, June 1, 2023

Banking service chronicle

Banking service chronicle 

Banking service chronicle published this article page 9 india has 8.5 lakh cooperative units out of which 20 percent [1.77 lakh units] are credit cooperatives.  remaining 80 percent are non-credit cooperatives involved in diverse activities  out of about 96000 primary agricultural credit cooperative societies pacss)  spread across 91 percent of total villages of india 63000 [65 percent] are viable and active.  about 13 crore farmer households are directly connected to cooperatives.  the share of cooperative agriculture finance to total is about 25 percent fertiliser distribution 35 percent fertiliser production 25 percent sugar production 31 percent milk procurement production and marketing about 25 percent wheat procurement 13 percent paddy 20 percent fish production 21 percent etc.  there is a need to build a vibrant and resilient cooperative sector on this strong  foundation.  all the hurdles and bottlenecks need to be addressed through the new cooperation policy and suitable government interventions Banking service chronicle magazine subscription

Banking service chronicle 

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