knowledge questions magazine Published this article page no 07 Decrease in Carbon Stock The total carbon stock in forests has decreased from 668 gigatonnes in 1990 to 662 gigatonnes in 2020. 50 o Between 2015 and 2020 the rate of deforestation had decreased as compared in the 1990s. The net loss of forest area decreased from 7.8 million hectares per year in the 1990s to 4.7 million hectares per year during 2010–2020. o More than 100 million hectares of forests are adversely affected by forest fires pests diseases invasive species drought and adverse weather events. o Agricultural expansion continues to be the main driver of deforestation and forest fragmentation and the associated loss of forest biodiversity. o Areas with dense human populations and intense agricultural land use like India are less intact in terms of their biodiversity. Key goals targets and indicators relevant to forest restoration Current negative trends in biodiversity and ecosystems will undermine progress towards the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). o United Nations Strategic Plan for Forests The world is not on track to meet this target for Forests to increase forest area by 3% worldwide by 2030. Conservation of species Progress on preventing the extinction of known threatened species and improving their conservation status has been slow. o ForestSpecialist index has fell by 53% between 1970 and 2014 which highlights the increased risk of species becoming vulnerable to extinction. Index is developed by World Wildlife Fund which tracks the average change in abundance of thousands of vertebrate populations from around the world knowledge questions magazine buy.
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Wednesday, June 29, 2022
Tuesday, June 28, 2022
grihalakshmi magazine
grihalakshmi magazine
grihalakshmi magazine Published this article page no 78 Availability of food and space. Tolerance levels exhibited by the locals who live around them to policymakers who decide management strategies. Causes for human wildlife conflict Physical (space) and biological (forest productivity) factors have an obvious influence on a reserves carrying capacity of tigers. More so when different land uses overlap and a good number of people depend on forest resources for livelihood. What is the way ahead to avoid conflict in tiger density areas? Artificially boosting the prey base in a reserve. Tiger corridors Create safe connectivity among forests and allow tigers to disperse safely to new areas. Key facts related to tiger population 1. As per the World Wide Fund for Nature the number of tigers dropped by 95 per cent over the past 150 years. 2. India is the land of royal tigers and current tiger population stands at 2967 which is 70 per cent of the global tiger population. 3. Madhya Pradesh has the highest number of tigers at 526 closely followed by Karnataka (524) and Uttarakhand (442). 4. Kanha Tiger Reserve in Madhya Pradesh is the first tiger reserve in India to officially introduce a mascot Bhoorsingh the Barasingha. 155 Conservation efforts National and Global 1. The National Tiger Conservation Authority (NTCA) has launched the MSTrIPES (Monitoring System for Tigers – Intensive Protection and Ecological Status) a mobile monitoring system for forest guards. 2. At the Petersburg Tiger Summit in 2010 leaders of 13 tiger range countries resolved to do more for the tiger and embarked on efforts to double its number in the wild with a popular slogan T X 2. 3. The Global Tiger Initiative (GTI) program of the World Bank using its presence and convening ability brought global partners together to strengthen the tiger agenda. 4. Over the years the initiative has institutionalised itself as a separate entity in the form of the Global Tiger Initiative Council (GTIC) with its two arms –the Global Tiger Forum and the Global Snow Leopard Ecosystem Protection Program. 5. The Project Tiger launched way back in 1973 has grown to more than 50 reserves amounting to almost 2.2% of the countrys geographical area. Protection Status 1. Indian Wildlife (Protection) Act 1972 grihalakshmi magazine buy.
grihalakshmi magazine
grihalakshmi magazine Published this article page no 77 The importance of bird migrations on the health of the ecosystems is wellestablished. Saving migratory birds means saving the wetlands terrestrial habitats and saving of an ecosystem benefiting communities dependent on wetlands. Challenges faced by migratory birds 1. Accelerated habitat loss globally during the last decade. 2. Decreased area under water bodies wetlands natural grasslands and forests. 3. Increased weather variability and climate change have resulted in loss of biodiversity for the migratory birds. What is a flyway? A flyway is a geographical region within which a single or a group of migratory species completes its annual cycle – breeding moulting staging and nonbreeding. About the Central Asian Flyway Central Asian Flyway (CAF) covers a large area of Eurasia between the Arctic and Indian Oceans. Including India there are 30 countries under the Central Asian Flyway. The CAF comprises several important migration routes of waterbirds most of which extend from the northernmost breeding grounds in Siberia to the southernmost nonbreeding wintering grounds in West Asia India the Maldives and the British Indian Ocean Territory. Why do countries need to protect Flyways? Approximately one in five of the worlds 11000 bird species migrate some covering enormous distances. Conserving migratory birds requires cooperation and coordination along the entire flyway between countries and across national boundaries. 154 Safeguarding flyways means protecting the birds from poachers rejuvenating wetlands among others. Saving the wetlands terrestrial habitats help in fulfilling the bigger purpose of saving an ecosystem. Insta Curious Did you know that India has already launched a national action plan for the conservation of migratory birds along the Central Asian Flyway? Preliminary findings of a study by the Wildlife Institute of India(WII) suggest that the density of tigers in the Sunderbans may have reached the carrying capacity of the mangrove forests leading to frequent dispersals and a surge in humanwildlife conflict. This high density will force tigers to move out of forests in search for new areas. Recently around eight tigers have entered into villages in Sunderbans and all of them were captured and released into the wild. Capacity In Terai and Shivalik hills habitat — Corbett tiger reserve for example — 1016 tigers can survive in 100 sq km. This comes down to 711 tigers per 100 sq km in the reserves of northcentral Western Ghats such as Bandipur. According to the 2018 AllIndia Tiger report the carrying capacity in the Sunderbans is at around 4 tigers per 100 sq km. Factors that determine tiger density grihalakshmi magazine buy.
knowledge questions magazine
knowledge questions magazine Published this article page no 03 The inability of states to strengthen their labour bureaus and environment protection units caused unsafe factories to mushroom to meet the growing demand for industrialization. As per the Central Pollution Control Board the number of hazardous industries in the country increased threefold from the early 1990s to around 36000 in 2010. Failure to stop encroachment Urban populations have encroached on spaces that were originally demarcated for industry including the buffer (and green) zones. Way Forward National Disaster Management Plan2019 suggests the following steps to prevent the Chemical (Industrial) Disaster. Understanding the risk It involves strengthening Information Systems Monitoring Research which include o Zoning Mapping of industrial zones on basis of hazard potential and effective disaster management for worst case scenarios. o Studies on vulnerabilities and capacities covering social physical economic ecological gender social inclusion and equity aspects. o Provide technical support and guidance for comprehensive Hazard Risk Vulnerability and Capacity Assessment (HRVCA). InterAgency Coordination o Preparation and implementation of Disaster Management (DM) plans and ensure the functioning of agencies with DM tasks. o Warnings Information Data Dissemination Effective coordination and seamless communication among central and state agencies to ensure quick clear effective dissemination of warnings information and data. Investing in Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR) – Structural Measures o Shelters evacuation and support facilities o Multiple routes for reliable access and escape o Decontamination facilities knowledge questions magazine buy.
knowledge questions magazine
knowledge questions magazine Published this article page no 02 Labour falls in the concurrent list so the Centre frames the laws while the states have the responsibility of implementing them. But the multiplicity of legislations and changing regulations from state to state often pose compliance problems. What is styrene? How toxic is it? Styrene is an organic compound used in the manufacture of polymersplasticresins. It is manufactured in petrochemical refineries. It is a likely carcinogenic substance. It is actually a colourless liquid and not a gas. It can react with oxygen in the air to mutate into styrene dioxide which is more lethal. Styrene exists as a single molecule but is unstable and has a high propensity for autopolymerisation meaning it tries to combine with itself to make long chains especially at temperatures over 65°C. This process is exothermic and can become uncontrollable. For these reasons styrene is always stored at relatively low temperatures (between 15°C and 20°C). According to Indias Manufacture Storage and Import of Hazardous Chemical Rules 1989 styrene is classified as a hazardous and toxic chemical. Acute (shortterm) exposure to styrene in humans results in mucous membrane and eye irritation and gastrointestinal effects. Chronic (longterm) exposure results in impacts on the central nervous system (CNS) leading to headaches fatigue. If the amount of styrene goes beyond 800 ppm then the person exposed to it can go into a coma. 48 Relaxation of Industrial Regulations Industrial regulations are viewed as a barrier to ease of doing business in India. This means that sometimes provisions related to industrial safety are not accorded higher priority knowledge questions magazine buy.
knowledge questions magazine
knowledge questions magazine Published this article page no 01 The rule of strict liability Till the MC Mehta case India also followed the concept of strict liability. Under the strict liability principle a party is not liable and need not pay compensation if a hazardous substance escapes his premises by accident or by an act of God among other circumstances. Related news Earlier NGT has invoked the principle of Strict Liability to impose a fine on the LG Polymers India for Vizag Gas leak which was being termed to be in contravention of the principle of Absolute Liability. NGT later held that LG Polymers India has absolute liability for the loss of life caused by a gas leak at its factory in Visakhapatnam. Reasons for Industrial Disasters India has some unique problems and despite the legal provisions disasters and accident continued to happen in the industrial premises. Apart from natural reasons such as earthquake or a cyclone major reasons for this can be followingOn Part of Industry A lot of chemical manufacturing is in the small and medium sectors whose ability to invest in industrial and environmental safety as well as occupational health is limited. Several manufacturing plants are ageing and reluctant to invest in capital either to revamp or scraprebuild. There is also an increasing tendency to skip longterm training and skill development by resorting to casual labour in the operational area. Its mostly nonskilled contract workers who are made to work in hazardous areas. o These contract workers are not given adequate personal protection equipment (PPE) and health and safety support Low Level of awareness of safe machinery unsafe practices such as quarrying leading to roof collapse in coal mines and working without masks in areas prone to poisonous gas leakage cause fatalities. The poor management systems and even poorer reporting systems aid to the problem. Many accidents and deaths go unreported. On part of Government knowledge questions magazine buy.
Monday, June 27, 2022
pratiyogita kiran
pratiyogita kiran Published this article page no 04 The Philippines had confronted China over intrusion in EEZ after domestic pressure demanded retaliation. Whats the issue? Beijing has overlapping territorial claims with several Southeast Asian states in the South China Sea. China claims almost all of the resourcerich sea through which trillions of dollars in shipping trade passes annually with competing claims from Brunei Malaysia the Philippines Taiwan and Vietnam. Beijing has also been accused of deploying a range of military hardware including antiship missiles and surfacetoair missiles there and ignored a 2016 international tribunal decision that declared its historical claim over most of the waters to be without basis. Where is the South China Sea? The South China Sea is an arm of western Pacific Ocean in Southeast Asia. It is south of China east & south of Vietnam west of the Philippines and north of the island of Borneo. It is connected by Taiwan Strait with the East China Sea and by Luzon Strait with the Philippine Sea. Bordering states & territories the Peoples Republic of China the Republic of China (Taiwan) the Philippines Malaysia Brunei Indonesia Singapore and Vietnam. Strategic Importance This sea holds tremendous strategic importance for its location as it is the connecting link between the Indian Ocean and the Pacific Ocean (Strait of Malacca). According to the United Nations Conference on Trade And Development (UNCTAD) onethird of the global shipping passes through it carrying trillions of trade which makes it a significant geopolitical water body. Contesting Claims Over Islands The Paracel Islands are claimed by China Taiwan and Vietnam. The Spratly Islands are claimed by China Taiwan Vietnam Brunei and Philippines pratiyogita kiran buy.
pratiyogita kiran
pratiyogita kiran Published this article page no 03 Fighting began in 2014 when the Houthi Shia Muslim rebel movement took advantage of the new presidents weakness and seized control of northern Saada province and neighbouring areas. Why is Saudi Arabia in Yemen? Saudi Arabia interfered in Yemen after the Shia Houthi rebels captured Sanaa the capital city and the internationally recognised government of President Hadi moved to the countrys south. The rapid rise of the Houthis in Yemen set off alarm bells in Saudi Arabia which saw them as Iranian proxies. Saudi Arabia started a military campaign in March 2015 hoping for a quick victory against the Houthis. But the Houthis had dug in refusing to leave despite Saudi Arabias aerial blitzkrieg. With no effective allies on the ground and no wayout plan the Saudiled campaign went on with no tangible result. In the past six years the Houthis have launched multiple attacks on Saudi cities from northern Yemen in retaliation for Saudi air strikes. The violations of international law as well as foreign interference in the disputed waters of the South China Sea by China has led many SouthEast Asian nations to oppose Beijings military activities in the area. Countries that share the South China Sea such as Malaysia Vietnam the Philippines Brunei Indonesia and Taiwan feel that Chinas hegemonic actions affect their economic prospects as well as threaten sovereign rights. The conflict is likely to escalate due to the dispute over undecided boundaries. Recent faceoffs Vietnam took a strong exception to the military drill by Chinese forces as they were carried out in an area that overlaps with Vietnams Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ) and continental shelf pratiyogita kiran buy.
Saturday, June 25, 2022
junior science refresher magazine
junior science refresher magazine
junior science refresher magazine Published this article page no 62 2. Article 30. 3. Article 14. 4. Article 21. 5. Minority Status. Mains Link Discuss the significance of grant of minority status of a religion in the country. 10. Delimitation Commission Context A plea has been moved in the Supreme Court by two Kashmir residents challenging the Centres decision to constitute the delimitation commission for redrawing the assembly and Lok Sabha constituencies in Union Territory of Jammu and Kashmir. Whats the issue? 35 The plea sought declaration that the increase of number of seats from 107 to 114 (including 24 seats in Pakistan Occupied Kashmir) in Jammu & Kashmir is Ultra vires the Constitutional Provisions such as Articles 14 81 82 170 330 and 332 and Statutory Provisions particularly under Section 63 of the Jammu & Kashmir Reorganisation Act 2019.The plea said that while Article 170 of the Constitution of India provides that the next delimitation in the country will be taken up after 2026 then why has the UT of Jammu and Kashmir been singled out? When the was Delimitation Commission set up? On March 6 2020 the Union Government Ministry of Law and Justice (Legislative Department) had issued a notification in exercise of power under Section 3 of the Delimitation Act 2002 constituting a Delimitation Commission with former Supreme Court judge (Retd) Ranjana Prakash Desai as Chairperson for the purpose of delimitation of Assembly and Parliamentary constituencies in the Union Territory of Jammu and Kashmir and the state of Assam Arunachal Pradesh Manipur and Nagaland for a period of one year. Constitutional ProvisionsUnder Article 82 the Parliament enacts a Delimitation Act after every Census.Under Article 170 States also get divided into territorial constituencies as per Delimitation Act after every Census. To know more about the Delimitation Commission Composition and its functions read this. Insta Curious The last Delimitation Commission was set up on July 12 2002 in exercise of powers conferred by Section 3 of the Delimitation Act 2002 after the 2001 Census to carry out the exercise throughout the country junior science refresher magazine buy.
Friday, June 24, 2022
shine india subscription
shine india subscription Published this article page no 22 Indias first cheetah sanctuary KunoPalpur National Park in Madhya Pradesh could become the countrys firstever cheetah sanctuary. Although the plan of bringing cheetahs to India was in the works for more than a decade it came close to a realisation after the Supreme Courts nod in January 2020. The cheetah Acinonyx jubatus is one of the oldest of the big cat species with ancestors that can be traced back more than five million years to the Miocene era.The cheetah is also the worlds fastest land mammal.It is listed as vulnerable in IUCN red listed species.The countrys last spotted feline died in Chhattisgarh in 1947. Later the cheetah — which is the fastest land animal — was declared extinct in India in 1952.The Asiatic cheetah is classified as a critically endangered species by the IUCN Red List and is believed to survive only in Iran. Sustainable Cities India program The World Economic Forum and the National Institute of Urban Affairs (NIUA) have signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) to collaborate on a jointly designed Sustainable Cities India program.The Sustainable Cities India program intends to enable cities to decarbonize in a systematic and sustainable way that will reduce emissions and deliver resilient and equitable urban ecosystems. City Sprint process is a series of multisectoral multistakeholder workshops involving business government and civil society leaders to enable decarbonization especially through clean electrification and circularity.The City Sprint process uses the Toolbox of Solutions a digital platform containing over 200 examples of clean electrification efficiency and smart infrastructure best practices and case studies across buildings energy systems and mobility from over 110 cities around the world shine india subscription buy.
shine india subscription
banking service chronicle
banking service chronicle Published this article page no 07 MILAN 2022 has been scheduled for the first time at Visakhapatnam the City of Destiny. MILAN 2022 is the eleventh edition of the event and would be held under the aegis of Eastern Naval Command.This is the first time the exercise has been shifted from the Andaman to Vizag as the scale of the exercise has been enhanced. 30. KoalaAustralia has designated the koala as an endangered species amid pressure on the marsupials eucalyptus tree habitats in eastern states of Australia.The koala is an arboreal herbivorous marsupial native to Australia. It is the only extant representative of Phascolarctidae family. Its closest living relatives are wombats which are the members of Vombatidae family.The species was classed as vulnerable 10 years also in Queensland New South Wales and Australian Capital Territory.Endangered status to koala means the species and their forest homes should be provided with greater protection in accordance with Australias national environment law. This would not only protect Koala but many other species living alongside them. 31. Community Innovator Fellowship Atal Innovation Mission (AIM) in collaboration with UNDP has launched the Community Innovator Fellowship (CIF) marking the International Day of Women & Girls in Science.The fellowship is developed as a preincubation model that aims to provide youth with an opportunity to establish their social enterprise focusing on Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) based solutions for solving community issues banking service chronicle buy.
banking service chronicle
Thursday, June 23, 2022
science reporter magazine subscription
science reporter magazine subscription
science reporter magazine subscription Published this article page no 04 New Emerging and Strategic Technologies (NEST) division is being set to facilitate collaboration with foreign countries on advanced technologies as well as geographical divisions for better coordination.In Ethiopia India provided better quality germplasm new technology for processing and access to markets apart from support for packaging for better access to European markets.India has been supporting the developmental endeavours of several partner countries in Africa and Asia. . INDIAS DEVELOPMENT COOPERATION Why in News? Enhancing the efficacy of Indias development cooperation endeavors has been a challenging issue for the past several decades. BackgroundThe first effort by India to shape a framework for Indias development cooperation was in 2003 with the announcement of the India Development Initiative (IDI).Subsequently the Indian Development and Economic Assistance Scheme (IDEAS) was launched in 2005 for managing credit lines.In 2007 Govt suspended IDI and announced the setting up of the India International Development Cooperation Agency (IIDCA) which never took off.There has been clear lack of firm institutional foundation to support Indias Development Cooperation.India needs a clear vision to lead a sustainable development agenda while positioning itself as a global power with interests beyond its immediate neighborhood. o To achieve this there is an urgent need to push for reforms in existing institutional structures on development cooperation. Indias development cooperation science reporter magazine subscription buy.
science reporter magazine subscription
science reporter magazine subscription
science reporter magazine subscription Published this article page no 02 Involvement of Ethics committee The active involvement of the Ethics Committee as done in the Cash for Query scam can help in curbing horse trading of legislators. If every incident of defection tainted with monetary factors is inquired into and dealt with by Ethics Committee practice of floor crossing can be contained to a great extent. o In cash for query incident (2005) Members of Parliament accepted money from stakeholders and raised questions in Parliament apparently to the benefit of money givers.Deciding authority 2 nd Administrative Reforms Commissions has recommended that the issue of disqualification of members on grounds of defection should be decided by the PresidentGovernor on the advice of the Election Commission.Making defection an internal issue of party The imposition of sanctions can be watered down in India to only allow expulsion of a defecting member from his party without costing him his seat in the Parliament and by making it an internal issue of every political party.Bring more clarity The law must explicitly set out what it means by the words voluntarily giving up Membership in order to avoid any confusion. Conclusion The Parliament should recheck whether the antidefection law in current form can achieve the goals for which it was enacted. If not a discourse can be started for developing a consensus on why it has not been able to achieve its goals and moving ahead where should we take this law science reporter magazine subscription buy.
Wednesday, June 22, 2022
shine india monthly magazine subscription
shine india monthly magazine subscription
shine india monthly magazine subscription Published this article page no 18 GSAT7B satellite which recently got the acceptance of necessity from the Defence Ministry will be a dedicated satellite for the Indian Army. The satellite would help the Indian Army enhance its surveillance in border areas. Significance of the satellite The GSAT 7B will primarily fulfil the communication needs of the Army. The use of such a satellite would also mean that the Armys vast array of radio communication equipment could come under a single platform. GSAT 7 Satellite series They are advanced satellites developed by the Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) to meet the communication needs of the defence services. The GSAT 7 satellite has a footprint of nearly 2000 nautical miles in the Indian Ocean region. The GSAT 7 (Rukmini) is Indias first military satellite. It provides a gamut of services for military communication needs which includes low bit voice rate to high bit rate data facilities including multiband communications. The GSAT 7A launched in 2018 helps in boosting the connectivity between the ground radar stations airbases and the airborne early warning and control aircraft (AEW&C) of the IAF. InstaLinks Prelims Link 1. About GSAT. 140 2. GSAT 7 series. 3. GSAT 7A. 4. GSAT 7 B. Mains Link Discuss the significance of GSAT series satellites. 6. Polar Science and Cryosphere (PACER) scheme The Polar Science and Cryosphere (PACER) scheme has been approved for continuation during 20212026. The PACER scheme shine india monthly magazine subscription buy.
shine india monthly magazine subscription
shine india monthly magazine subscription
shine india monthly magazine subscription Published this article page no 17 The Arctic region comprises the Arctic Ocean and parts of countries such as Canada Denmark (Greenland) Norway Russia USA (Alaska) Finland Sweden and Iceland. These countries together form the core of the Arctic Council an intergovernmental forum. The region is home to almost four million inhabitants of which about onetenth are indigenous people. Indias engagement in the Arctic Indias engagement with the Arctic began when it signed the Svalbard Treaty in February 1920 in Paris between Norway the US Denmark France Italy Japan the Netherlands Great Britain and Ireland and the British overseas Dominions and Sweden concerning Spitsbergen. Ever since then India has been closely monitoring all the developments in the Arctic region. India initiated its Arctic research program in 2007 with a focus on climate change in the region. The objectives included studying teleconnections between Arctic climate and Indian monsoon to characterize sea ice in the Arctic using satellite data to estimate the effect on global warming. India already has a research station in the Arctic Himadri for the research work. Significance of arctic study for India Though none of Indias territory directly falls in the Arctic region it is a crucial area as the Arctic influences atmospheric oceanographic and biogeochemical cycles of the earths ecosystem. Due to climate change the region faces the loss of sea ice ice caps and warming of the ocean which in turn impacts the global climate. The frigid Arctic which keeps losing ice due to global warming is one of the batteries feeding the variations in Indian monsoons shine india monthly magazine subscription buy.
Monday, June 20, 2022
world focus magazine
world focus magazine Published this article page no 82 Article 30. 3. Article 14. 4. Article 21. 5. Minority Status. Mains Link Discuss the significance of grant of minority status of a religion in the country. 10. Delimitation Commission Context A plea has been moved in the Supreme Court by two Kashmir residents challenging the Centres decision to constitute the delimitation commission for redrawing the assembly and Lok Sabha constituencies in Union Territory of Jammu and Kashmir. Whats the issue?35The plea sought declaration that the increase of number of seats from 107 to 114 (including 24 seats in Pakistan Occupied Kashmir) in Jammu & Kashmir is Ultra vires the Constitutional Provisions such as Articles 14 81 82 170 330 and 332 and Statutory Provisions particularly under Section 63 of the Jammu & Kashmir Reorganisation Act 2019. The plea said that while Article 170 of the Constitution of India provides that the next delimitation in the country will be taken up after 2026 then why has the UT of Jammu and Kashmir been singled out? When the was Delimitation Commission set up? On March 6 2020 the Union Government Ministry of Law and Justice (Legislative Department) had issued a notification in exercise of power under Section 3 of the Delimitation Act 2002 constituting a Delimitation Commission with former Supreme Court judge (Retd) Ranjana Prakash Desai as Chairperson for the purpose of delimitation of Assembly and Parliamentary constituencies in the Union Territory of Jammu and Kashmir and the state of Assam Arunachal Pradesh Manipur and Nagaland for a period of one year. Constitutional Provisions Under Article 82 the Parliament enacts a Delimitation Act after every Census. Under Article 170 States also get divided into territorial constituencies as per Delimitation Act after every Census. To know more about the Delimitation Commission Composition and its functions read this. Insta Curious The last Delimitation Commission was set up on July 12 2002 in exercise of powers conferred by Section 3 of the Delimitation Act 2002 after the 2001 Census to carry out the exercise throughout the country. InstaLinks Prelims Link Previous delimitation commissions powers and functions. 2. Composition of the commission. 3. Who can set up? 4. Are changes allowed in final orders? 5. Which are the constitution provisions related? Mains Link How and why delimitation of constituencies is carried out? Discuss. Topics Separation of powers between various organs dispute redressal mechanisms and institutions. 1. SC enforces a landmark ruling on death penalty Context More than four decades after a landmark ruling on death sentence cases a bench in the Supreme Court has made psychological evaluation of the condemned prisoner mandatory. It has also sought a report on the inmates conduct at the time of examining whether the gallows remains the only fitting punishment. What has the court said? Taking a cue from the Bachan Singh verdict justice Lalit in a series of death sentences cases has recently held that complete assistance to the court in such matters would necessitate the production of not just the evidence in the case but also the latest state of the mental health of the prisoner. Supreme Courts verdict in Bachan Singh vs State of Punjab (1980) This verdict established the doctrine of rarest of rare crime in handing down capital punishment while mandating a comparative analysis of aggravating and mitigating circumstances in connection to the accused. The judgment laid down that a court must scrutinise both the crime as well as the criminal and then decide whether death penalty is the only suitable punishment in the facts of the case.36Emphasis is to be also laid on the aggravating and mitigating factors which are dependent upon the facts and circumstances of the case. Machi Singh vs State of Punjab (1983) In this case the Supreme Court elucidated the doctrine of rarest of rare and set down some guiding principles in the death sentences cases world focus magazine buy.
competition refresher magazine
competition refresher magazine competition refresher magazine this article was published in the magazine saras 3 telescope shaped antenna ...

Junior science refresher magazine Junior science refresher magazine this article was published in magazine greenwashing there were fears f...
Junior science refresher magazine Junior science refresher magazine this article was published in the magazine sindhuja-i it is an ocean w...
Banking service chronicle Banking service chronicle this article was published in the magazine the cbam is also known as a carbon border...