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Tuesday, June 28, 2022

grihalakshmi magazine

grihalakshmi magazine

grihalakshmi magazine Published this article page no 77  The importance of bird migrations on the health of the ecosystems is wellestablished.  Saving migratory birds means saving the wetlands terrestrial habitats and saving of an ecosystem benefiting communities dependent on wetlands. Challenges faced by migratory birds 1. Accelerated habitat loss globally during the last decade. 2. Decreased area under water bodies wetlands natural grasslands and forests. 3. Increased weather variability and climate change have resulted in loss of biodiversity for the migratory birds. What is a flyway? A flyway is a geographical region within which a single or a group of migratory species completes its annual cycle – breeding moulting staging and nonbreeding. About the Central Asian Flyway  Central Asian Flyway (CAF) covers a large area of Eurasia between the Arctic and Indian Oceans.  Including India there are 30 countries under the Central Asian Flyway.  The CAF comprises several important migration routes of waterbirds most of which extend from the northernmost breeding grounds in Siberia to the southernmost nonbreeding wintering grounds in West Asia India the Maldives and the British Indian Ocean Territory. Why do countries need to protect Flyways?  Approximately one in five of the worlds 11000 bird species migrate some covering enormous distances. Conserving migratory birds requires cooperation and coordination along the entire flyway between countries and across national boundaries.  154  Safeguarding flyways means protecting the birds from poachers rejuvenating wetlands among others. Saving the wetlands terrestrial habitats help in fulfilling the bigger purpose of saving an ecosystem. Insta Curious Did you know that India has already launched a national action plan for the conservation of migratory birds along the Central Asian Flyway?  Preliminary findings of a study by the Wildlife Institute of India(WII) suggest that the density of tigers in the Sunderbans may have reached the carrying capacity of the mangrove forests leading to frequent dispersals and a surge in humanwildlife conflict.  This high density will force tigers to move out of forests in search for new areas. Recently around eight tigers have entered into villages in Sunderbans and all of them were captured and released into the wild. Capacity  In Terai and Shivalik hills habitat — Corbett tiger reserve for example — 1016 tigers can survive in 100 sq km.  This comes down to 711 tigers per 100 sq km in the reserves of northcentral Western Ghats such as Bandipur.  According to the 2018 AllIndia Tiger report the carrying capacity in the Sunderbans is at around 4 tigers per 100 sq km. Factors that determine tiger density  grihalakshmi magazine buy.

grihalakshmi magazine

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